The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist™ Level 1
Finally, a Speed & Agility Certification specifically designed for today’s youth sports and performance coaches.
As a coach of athletes you have unique needs, face unique challenges and pursue unique goals. The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification will give you the knowledge and skillset designed specifically to coach and improve speed and agility in athletes more effectively and efficiently than ever before.
If you can improve your athletes’ speed and agility, you have done more to improve their likelihood for athletic performance success than anything else you can do in many, if not most cases.
Too often the ‘speed’ component of most training programs is overlooked. I’m sure you’ve seen sports teams practice where the ‘running’ is done at the end of practiced when the athletes are gassed and the runs consist of beasts or long shuttle runs and that is all that is done for their so-called speed work.
Or if speed work is included, it happens for 10 minutes once a week.
So what is the focus during practice? Skill work for that sport, right?
That fair. Athletes need to be taught the right mechanics and plays to perform. But we also expect our athletes to cut on a dime, juke defenders, make explosive moves and out run the opponents, so shouldn’t this be included as part of the skills we teach our athletes?
Of course it should. Speed is a skill that needs to taught and practiced. But like many other skills, it gets confusing how to best teach your athletes. Things like:
- what drills to do?
- how long and how far to sprint (and how much rest)?
- what are the best agility drills to teach to get the most bang for your buck?
- where does this fit into the overall training program?
The tool to help you accomplish that?
The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS) Certification.
The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification – An Overview
The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS) Certification is comprehensive speed and agility education and certification program designed for use by fitness professionals, performance coaches and sport coaches.
- Covers what REAL speed work is, and exactly how it needs to be used in your training program.
- Addresses the science of speed development. Covering the importance of Long Term Athletic Development with the detailed game plan.
- Detailed program design for the ideal speed training program and a thorough course itemizing the ins and outs of speed & power periodization.
- How to actually coach speed & agility with coaching cues and the art of coaching athletes.
- The use of training aids to add to an effective plan for putting the speed & agility plan into action to bring out the best in all of your athletes.
- The definitive Speed & Agility textbook, Concepts and Application of Youth Speed & Agility Development, a 244-page resource for coaches and fitness professionals.
- 69 online videos detailing virtually every fact of speed & agility mechanics covered in the Certification and every drill covered in the textbook.
- Printable PDF files of chapter outlines and a course syllabus with suggested week-by-week assignments.
- 75 question online exam, available immediately with results provided immediately upon completion.
- Listing in our online directory of certified IYCA professionals. Upon completion, we’ll list you on our site as IYCA Certified, and lead potential athletes, coaches and parents in your area to you.
- Exclusive sale price! Choose from one-time payment of $199.95 (normally $299.95), or 2 payments of $100, only for those getting this exclusive offer.
The Certification: Practical Speed & Agility Education for Coaches & Fitness Professionals.
The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Certification empowers you to improve the speed & agility of any athlete you coach. This ‘best in class’ certification's practical information, strategies, and drills prepare you to immediately improve the results you deliver to your athletes.
You’ll first learn the science and core concepts impacting speed & agility.
Next you’ll discover the mechanics of speed & agility coaching.
Then, to tie all of this together you’ll learn how to program and coach to maximize speed & agility in your athletes.
When it comes to speed & agility, if you need to know it, the Certified Speed & Agility Certification covers it in detail.
There is no other Certification like this. Nothing addresses speed & agility with the detail or provides the useable knowledge and coaching tools that the Certified Speed & Agility Certification does.
Why The Certified Speed & Agility Certification?
The Certified Speed & Agility Certification was developed to address one of the most glaring and obvious needs in our profession.
Speed & agility are paramount to the success of athletes in almost all sports. As coaches and fitness professionals we’re charged with improving our athletes performance on the field or the court.
The Athletic Advantage
In competitive sports the faster and more agile players on the field or court have a distinct advantage over the competition.
The ability to accelerate or change direction can often be the difference between defeating an opponent and being defeated.
Linear Speed Is Not Enough
While 40-yard-dash times are impressive and key parts of the combine circuit, game speed is so much more.
Linear speed is just one of many skills that you need to develop in your athletes if you want to maximize their game success. ‘Track speed’ isn’t enough unless your athletes are only competing in track and field.
They need the ability to accelerate and decelerate quickly. They need multi-directional speed. They need to be able to change direction rapidly.
You know this, but where do you go to learn how to coach it?
A Complete Resource
When we originally decided to offer the Certified Speed & Agility Certification, it was largely because no one was really providing a complete education for coaches when it came to developing speed & agility in their athletes.
There were plenty of speed products that offered collections of drills or strength programs that were designed to enhance speed.
A select few certifications touched on the development of speed as part of a broader curriculum.
There were even live workshops that provided a hands-on learning experience for coaches.
But none of these solutions were complete.
None were going to provide the coach or fitness professional with the background knowledge, practical education and complete toolbox they need to being out the best in their athletes when it came to developing speed & agility.
The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Certification
Until now nothing available addressed this simple but critical need: how do you as a fitness professional or coach give your athletes the ‘on the field’ competitive advantage of speed and agility.
That's why this Certification exists. To address that need. Completely.
We want to make certain that the work you do and the coaching you provide to your athletes is completely obvious every time they step on the field or the court.
The Certified Speed & Agility Certification can make that a reality.
About the Certified Speed & Agility Certification
You got an overview of the Certification at the top of the page. Here’s more detail about what you’re going to gain by being Speed & Agility Certified.
This Credential is a product of years of innovation and current research. The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification combines:
The IYCA’s Revolutionary Approach To Long Term Athletic Development.
The IYCA CSAS provides you with a complete approach to speed & agility development that takes into account the real world considerations of training athletes ranging from sports specialization to the differences in the needs of 8 year olds and 18 year olds.
Hands On, Practical Education.
We’ve enlisted Jim Kielbaso, Dave Gleason and Dr. Toby Brooks as Co-Authors of this Certification to share their insight and experiences gained from coaching thousands of athletes from 6 year olds to professionals.
Real World Programming.
Gain access to actual, proven training programs for high school athletes designed by the industry’s top coaches to better empower you to implement your own effective training approach.
Who Should Get Speed & Agility Certified?
Any Coach or Fitness Professional who works with athletes should become a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist.
This Credential specifically addresses the needs of today’s athlete:
- Speed and agility are more visible and important now than ever before with a growing emphasis on combines and timed measurables to evaluate performance.
- The prevalence of Sports Specialization has created new challenges for coaches when it comes to programing.
- Dated programming and cookie cutter workouts have led to more injuries and limited performance improvement.
- The different needs of 6-9 year olds versus 14-18 year olds and considerations for In-Season, Pre-Season and Off-Season training.
If you’re coaching or training athletes, you’re dealing with these considerations and many others. The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification will better equip you to serve those athletes and help you allow them to perform their best.
What Are The Benefits of Getting Youth Speed & Agility Certified?
There are a number of benefits to becoming a Certified IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist, including:
- The ability to develop and implement the right programming to maximize the speed & agility of your athletes regardless of age, gender or sport.
- The confidence that your programming is based on real world evidence and specifically designed to maximize the game performance for each athlete you coach.
- Positioning as a ‘higher quality’ fitness professional or coach that is specifically prepared to work with athletes and enhance their on the field or court performance with evidence based programming.
- A tool to improve your business or career by being a specialist in a high need area that will immediately allow parents, coaches and administrators to know that you are uniquely prepared to improve the speed & agility of athletes.
- The ability to get better results, maximize performance and minimize injury in the young athletes you serve.
- The knowledge to better prepare your athletes to successfully develop from the Discovery phase of training (age 6-9) to preparing to compete at the collegiate level.
- Separating yourself from all other coaches and trainers in your area, with the specific speed & agility knowledge that comes with being a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS) – this will help you become the go to person in the area as well as all of your athletes getting faster and more explosive.
While there are many other benefits to becoming an IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist, the bottom line is this…it will make you better at what you do and allow you to better help the athletes you serve.
What Is The Learning Format For The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification?
When you decide to become a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist you’ll gain access to the following materials:
Comprehensive Speed & Agility Textbook - The official textbook delivers practical concepts supported by the latest research.

Complete Video Library – The Speed & Agility video library contains 69 videos covering:
- The entire overview of speed & agility mechanics detailed in the text.
- A comprehensive collection of speed & agility drills.
- Key concepts and coaching cues to maximize your success in implementing what you learn.
Done-For-You Programs to review and model and use for ages 6-9, 10-13 and 14+.
Once your register to become a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist, you will be directed to create your IYCA account if you do not already posses one.
You can test when you are ready.
You may take up to one year to complete your Certification, and review the materials as often as you like. You will immediately know the results after you take your test. Most students finish within 2-3 weeks.
Exam Requirement - Passing a 75 multiple choice, non-proctored online exam with 70% or higher. One attempt at the exam is given. Results are known immediately.
Retest Fee – $50 retest fee applies if the passing requirement is not met at the end of the second exam attempt.
Completion Time – Approximately 2-3 weeks (complete within one year of purchase)
Earn the credential of IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist.

Register Now And Become An
IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS)
Today Only $299.99 $199.95
IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification FAQ
Q How thorough is the Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification?
A Very. Upon completion of the Certification course you’ll have a detailed understanding of both the science behind and the fundamentals of speed & agility development as well as the knowledge and tools to develop these valuable skills in your athletes.
Q Will there be multiple levels of certification?
A Yes, two. This textbook, online materials and exam comprise the Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Certification Level One.
Most trainers and coaches will stop that that level. They will be more educated and empowered to develop speed & agility in their athletes than 99% of fitness professionals and coaches worldwide.
We will soon be opening an exclusive Level 2 program for those currently taking or who have completed the Level One Certification. This will be an advanced curriculum and professionals who complete both levels will have a depth of knowledge and expertise attained by only a handful of trainers and coaches.
Q Once I’m a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist, will I be listed on your site?
A Yes. And given the nature of our industry and the vast competition in the field, that's a big advantage for Certified Speed & Agility professionals.
Once you're certified, you'll have a professional profile in our online directory of IYCA Certified Professionals, so you'll be easy to find when people are looking for local help.
Q Would sport coaches benefit from this program as well?
A Absolutely. In fact, it would provide those coaches a distinct advantage over their competition.
While most sport coaches gain access to the same information when it comes to teaching sport skills or game strategy, few take them time to learn about performance development, and for those who do – they have a huge advantage over the competition.
Q Is the Certified Speed & Agility Specialist program accredited by one of the national education boards?
A No, it’s not accredited by any of the national education boards. This Certification is what would be considered a Specialty Certification, designed to deeply develop your understanding of speed & agility and ability to coach it in your athletes with great success. That sort of specialized curriculum is not generally accredited.
Q How does the Certification process work?
A When you register to become Certified, you will be immediately directed to create your personal IYCA account.
Once you login to your IYCA account you will gain immediate access to your Certified Speed & Agility Specialist Exam and step-by-step instructions how to successfully complete your certification. You will also receive an email confirming your order.
Q How long will it take to complete the Certification?
A Typically 2-3 weeks upon beginning studying is average. If you have completed other IYCA Certification programs, you can likely complete the program more quickly. When you enroll, you will also be given access to take your certification exam online. There are no additional fees to take your test. You have 365 days following your enrollment in the Certified Speed & Agility Certification program before you must test.
You are given one attempt to pass the test. You will have 2 hours to take the test. It is 100 questions, primarily multiple-choice. If you do not pass the exam you can purchase a retest for $50.
Q Are any Certification study materials mailed to me?
A If you ordered the physical certification you will receive them within 10-14 business days in most cases.
Q When do I receive my Certification?
A After you successfully pass your test, we will register you in our global database as a Certified Speed & Agility Specialist. It can take up to two weeks for your certification to be mailed to you.
Q Do I have to be IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist Certified as a prerequisite for this Certification?
A IYCA Certified professionals come from all corners of the World. With the online learning platform it’s easier than ever before to study for and complete an IYCA Certification. You can study at your own pace and complete the Certification no matter where you reside. The only consideration is that all Certification materials are in English.
Q Will I have to get recertified every few years or take continuing education credits to maintain my status?
A The Certified Speed & Agility Specialist adheres to the general IYCA continuing education policy you can find here.
Q Is a background check required for this certification?
A Our highest priority, alongside providing a healthier lifestyle for our youth, is their safety. Therefore, in order to maintain an environment with the highest level of security, we must maintain certain standards for our applicants and members. For this reason, we require that a criminal background check be performed by our third-party screening organization.
If you already hold an IYCA certification and have undergone a background screening from us, you do not need a new one for subsequent certifications.
After you purchase your exam, you will be sent an email with links to complete consent to the Background Screen. There may be fees associated with the screening, depending on your country. If you are in the United States, there are no additional fees (the IYCA will cover those fees); if you live outside the US, additional screening fees will apply. You can view the international screening fees HERE.
The IYCA Guarantee
We’re very confident that this is far and away the best speed & agility education program for fitness professionals and coaches.
So, as with everything we do, the certification is 100% guaranteed. You have 365 days to review all the material, and if for whatever reason it’s not for you, just return it and we’ll give you your money back. It’s that simple.
Here’s What You Need To Do Next:
Registration to become an IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist is easy and can be done online by clicking either registration button at the bottom of this page.
If you order the physical version, your course textbook will be quickly shipped to you. If you order either version, your online material will be available immediately.
Here’s how it works...
- Click either registration button below. These will take you to the online checkout page.
- Once you have completed your online checkout, you will be sent an email containing your user name and password as well as a link to access your product.
- Log in to the IYCA customer portal with your username and password.
- If you purchased the physical version, your course textbook will ship within the next 2-3 business days. Depending on where you live, you’ll get it soon thereafter.
- Finally, read the text, watch the videos, work through the study guide, and take the exam.
And you’re certified.
Once that happens, we’ll mail you a certificate and give you a form to fill out, so you can create your profile in our directory of IYCA professionals. You provide your contact info, and we’ll list you on our site so that people interested in local IYCA professionals can find you.
That’s it.
The IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist certification will teach trainers and coaches to become true speed & agility experts than are ready to get their athletes results on the field or court.
This is your opportunity to be on of the select few who can have that type of impact.
Become an IYCA Certified Speed & Agility Specialist (CSAS) Today.