5 Factors of Youth Athleticism
(and how to develop it!)
Download this FREE 5-part video series, Coach Wil Fleming discusses the 5 Factors of Athleticism in high school students.
He’ll walk you through what all youth coaches need to know, and how to unlock your athletes’ potential to go from good to great.
Enter your name and email below to get instant access.
Become an Expert High School Athlete Strength Coach with This Specialized Certification
Join an Elite Group of Performance Coaches Certified as High School Strength & Conditioning Specialists

Dear Fellow Performance Coaches,
If you’ve been around the IYCA very long, you know that we have a mission, and if that mission resonates with you, we’d like to invite you to join the thousands of other IYCA-certified coaches to help us achieve it.
In fact, without dedicated coaches like you helping us along the way, we will never accomplish our mission.
So what, exactly, is our mission?
Impact 1,000,000 Young Athletes!
You can be a big part of this, but only if you choose to take it on. And it’s a big responsibility.
Just think: Over the course of a few years, you could impact a few hundred athletes’ lives in a positive way.
If those athletes aren’t working with you, then they will be working with another performance coach, one who may not have the passion, knowledge, or skills that you do to positively impact those young athletes.
The high school level is the most competitive arena in sports performance right now. You have everyone from overzealous parents to sports coaches thinking they know how to train these athletes.
And we’ve all seen what these “programs” do for the athletes: They leave them slow, weak, and on the road to injury.
Unfortunately, these misguided parents and coaches are either overtraining the athletes or forcing specialization on them too early.
What young athletes need is an expert performance coach, someone like you, to help them reach their highest levels.
But we don’t want to do that by simply thinning out the weak and injured and only letting the lucky few who survive bad training make it out on the other side.
Instead, we want to empower all of our athletes to reach their full potential, whether that means simply making their high school team or moving on to the next level to play in college.
It’s about helping athletes build confidence, strength, and awareness. You help them build skills that they will take with them and use for the rest of their lives.
You can be “That Coach”
If you ever participated in athletics, we all had two types of “That Coach” in our lives. You probably still refer back to them to this day.
There is “That Coach” whom you hated, the one whom no one liked and who probably turned more kids away from athletics than they helped. You may have survived their wrath, but there were also many athletes who didn’t.
Then there is “That Coach” who impacted your life in an extremely positive way. They taught you valuable life lessons, some that you probably didn’t realize until much later in life, and they motivated you to be your best.
This the is the coach you should aspire to be for all your athletes. It’s what the IYCA wants to help all of our certified coaches be so that we can truly impact 1,000,000 young athletes.
And we’re not just talking about a positive impact on the field or court; we’re talking about impacting their lives.
But it all starts with being able to help them in their first training session. To impact lives, you need to be able to work with these athletes. You need find a way to differentiate yourself from the other coaches so more athletes are lining up at your weight room door to train with you.
That won’t happen because of your passion for training alone.
In fact, some of the most successful strength and conditioning coaches in the industry are certified through the IYCA. Coaches like…
- Eric Cressey
- Mike Robertson
- Wil Fleming
- Dave Gleason
- David Jack
- Paul Theo
- Phil Hueston
- David Kittner
...and thousands more!
What is the High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification?
This certification takes years of research and practical application and provides you with the most critical aspects of training High School athletes.
The High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification will teach you:
- The IYCA’s revolutionary approach to Long Term Athletic Development. We’ve been preaching this unique training system for nearly a decade, before it became a hot topic in the industry.
- How to plan and approach your training to account for the specific needs of your high school athletes including sports specialization (when it’s necessary) and how to account for the difference in training needed for your freshman through seniors.
- What the best of the best are doing through hands-on, practical experiences. Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, and Wil Fleming share their insights and knowledge gained from coaching thousands of high school athletes.
- Programming systems that will empower high school athletes to reach their full potential. These systems are results-tested and proven in the trenches in some of the best programs in the country.
Not only will you be able to access all of this (and more) as a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist, but you’ll also have the ability to differentiate yourself from the crowd by holding a very specific credential that only the best coaches can claim.
You’re going to be in a very elite circle of coaches who have the skills, knowledge, and passion to truly make a difference in the lives of their high school athletes.
Your Instructors
We’ve enlisted the help of top Strength & Conditioning Coaches to develop and deliver our curriculum for the High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification. They are in the trenches helping athletes improve their performance and have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of athletes reach the next level of their athletic careers in college and the pros.

Wil Fleming
Wil is a sports performance coach and expert on being a more explosive athlete. His expertise comes from years of training and coaching athletes in multiple sports. His athletes are routinely the most explosive, fastest, and strongest on the field. He is also one of the strongest medium sized guys you will ever run into boasting some pretty decent numbers on the platform and in the weight room.
Wil is the owner of Force Fitness and Performance and Athletic Revolution Bloomington, in Bloomington, IN. Force Fitness is one of the most successful training facilities in the Midwest with nearly 300 clients, 60 athletes earning Division I scholarships and nearly 125 athletes moving on to compete at the NCAA level in Division I, II, III.
Wil is a sought after speaker on the topics of power development, speed, and strength training for athletes and has presented all over the world.

Mike Robertson
Mike is the President of Robertson Training Systems and the co-owner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) in Indianapolis, Indiana. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier performance coaches in the world, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals.
Mike received his Masters degree in Sports Biomechanics at Ball State University. His graduate assistantship was performed in the Biomechanics Lab, a division of the Human Performance Lab. In his time there, Mike was responsible for setting up a complete online exercise database, assisting in research on strength and power development, and also played an integral role in starting up the strength diagnosis clinic. Working in the athletic weight room is where Mike found his calling, however, and he put in nearly 1400 volunteer hours as an assistant strength and conditioning coach in 2 years time. Mike worked primarily with the football, volleyball and soccer teams, while counseling and coaching individual athletes from all of Ball State’s 26 varsity sports.
Mike is an accomplished athlete and coach in the sport of powerlifting. Mike has totaled 1400 pounds in the 198 pound weight class, and has improved in each and every meet he has attended. Mike has coached several National champions in the Collegiate ranks, and as an assistant coach for the 2004 USA World Bench Press Team, Mike helped the team clinch a second and first place finish for the Men’s and Women’s teams, respectively.
Since his graduation, Mike has gone on to make continuing education a priority in his life. He is an R-Phase Certified Z-Health trainer and a Russian Kettlebell Certified instructor (RKC). In 2009, Mike was honored by the International Youth Conditioning Association when he was named to their Advisory Board

Eric Cressey
Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS is the president and co-founder of Cressey Performance, a strength and conditioning facility in Hudson, MA. Behind Eric’s expertise, Cressey Performance has rapidly established itself as a go-to high-performance facility among Boston athletes – and those that come from across the country and abroad to experience CP’s cutting-edge methods www.CresseyPerformance.com
While Eric deals with a wide variety of athletes from youth sports to the professional and Olympic levels, he has gained the most notoriety for his work with baseball players of all levels for his success in improving throwing velocity, bat speed, and sprinting speed – while markedly reducing injury rates. In the 2007-2008 off-season alone, Cressey Performance saw 96 baseball athletes from 32 high schools (and associated middle schools), 16 colleges, and 8 major league organizations.
Cressey received his Master’s Degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science through the University of Connecticut Department of Kinesiology. As an invited guest speaker, Eric has lectured in four countries and more than one dozen U.S. states. Cressey has authored four books and more than 200 articles, and co-created two DVD sets. He publishes a weekly newsletter and daily blog at www.EricCressey.com.
A world-record-holding competitive powerlifter himself, Cressey has deadlifted 650 pounds at a bodyweight of 174 and is recognized as an athlete who can jump, sprint, and lift alongside his best athletes to push them to higher levels – and keep them healthy in the process.
How to Become a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Here’s how you become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist:
Step 1: Purchase and Complete Your Course Materials
You have the choice of our completely digital course, which provides you access instantly so you can start learning, or, if you prefer, our physical course, which ships you directly to your home all the physical materials needed for your course. We understand that everyone learns differently. Simply choose your preferred course materials and get started as soon as they arrive, which is instantly if you choose our digital version.
Step 2: Take Your Exam
After you’ve completed your course materials and you’ve prepared adequately, you can take your online exam to show that you’ve absorbed and retained the proper information to call yourself a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist. Over 60% of our members take less than 90 days to study for and pass their exams for all our certifications. If you dedicate a few hours per week to studying the materials, you should have no problem passing your exam in 90 days or less.
Step 3: Pass Our Background Check
Before anyone can associate themselves with the IYCA and we award any certifications, we require you to pass a mandatory background check. Our highest priority, alongside educating great coaches like yourself, is the safety of our athletes. Therefore, we feel obligated to provide the highest level of security, meaning we must maintain standards for our applicants and members. For this reason, we require a criminal background check by our third-party screening organization. If you already hold an IYCA Certification and have undergone a background screening from us, you do not need a new one for subsequent certifications. After you purchase your exam, you will be sent an email with links to provide consent to the background screen. There are fees associated with the screening depending on the country where you currently reside. If you live in the United States, there are no additional fees; however, if you live outside the US, additional fees may apply. Click here to see the international screening fees.
Step 4: Become a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Once you’ve passed your exam and cleared our background screen, you can officially call yourself a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist. You will be awarded a certificate of completion and an emblem to use in your marketing that clearly shows you are an expert in high school strength and conditioning. This will help you stand out from the crowd and clearly place you head and shoulders above the other coaches in your area. Remember, all of this can easily be done in under 90 days from the time you purchase your certification materials.
Your High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Curriculum
Here’s your list of official materials and the course curriculum that you will receive once you start your journey to becoming a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist:

The Fundamentals of High School Strength & Conditioning Textbook
This is the official textbook for the High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification. You will learn practical concepts backed by the latest research for training high school athletes.
Here’s a short overview and the objectives of each chapter:
Chapter 1: Program Administration for the High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- Identify and discuss the challenges associated with establishing a high school strength and conditioning program.
- List and describe potential funding sources to support a high school strength and conditioning program.
- Describe the needs assessment process and discuss its importance.
- Describe and discuss the legal issues related to the administration of a high school strength and conditioning program.
- Identify means through which to minimize legal risk.
Chapter 2: Strength and Power Training for the High School Athlete
- Identify important influences that impact planning and training for high school athletes.
- Define “Concurrent Conditioning” and discuss how it can be used to enhance efficiency for high school athletes.
- Develop and effective and efficiency strength training program for a high school athlete that adequately addresses the unique needs of the high school athlete.
Chapter 3: Speed and Agility Training for the High School Athlete
- Define common terminology related to speed and agility training.
- Identify common speed and agility coaching mistakes.
- Describe and discuss the IYCA philosophy regarding speed and agility training for the high school athlete.
- Be able to practically apply the IYCA philosophy of speed and agility training for high school athletes.
- Demonstrate and describe several teaching progressions for speed and agility skill sets.
Chapter 4: Mobility Training for the High School Athlete
- Define and understand the significance of the relationship between mobility and flexibility.
- Understand the significance of prehabilitation and the importance of appropriate postural patterns.
- Define and describe the IYCA philosophy regarding mobility training.
- Discuss the injury prevention aspects of a well-developed mobility training program.
- Demonstrate and describe mobility drills for enhancing function throughout the entire body.
Chapter 5: Coaching the High School Athlete
- Identify and discuss the multifaceted nature of the roles of the coach.
- Describe the difference between a coach and a reflective coach practitioner.
- Discuss kaizen and describe how it relates to both athletic development and general coaching behaviors.
- Describe the four ability and temperament styles and the most appropriate means to motivate such athletes.
- Describe how it is possible to concurrently coach multiple athletes with different abilities and motivations.
Chapter 6: Sample Strength & Conditioning Programs
- Review and understand several in-season and off-season strength and conditioning plans for high school athletes.
- Be able to modify and/or develop similar programs for all athletes or teams.
- 3 sport-specific in-season and off-season training plans for review.
The High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Coaching Videos
Learn exactly how the experts coach and teach the specific strength training, power, and mobility movements for their athletes. These cues and tips are critical to coaching large groups of high school athletes safely and efficiently.
Lower Body Mobility
Learn the bottom-up approach to mobilizing the joints of the lower body. You’ll learn:
- 3 Ankle Mobility Drills for 3-D mobility
- Hip Flexion Mobility Drills
- Hip Extension Mobility Drills
- Hip Abduction Mobility Drills
- Hip External Rotation Mobility Drills
- Glute Activation Drills

Upper Body Mobility
In this video, we cover coaching cues and tips for creating mobility through the athlete’s upper body. You’ll learn:
- Thoracic Mobility Drills
- Shoulder Mobility Drills

A Complete Warm Up
See a full-scale dynamic warm up in action that can be used with all your high school training groups. In this video, you’ll get the complete A to Z warm up used in world-class training facilities to help prepare your athletes for their practices or training sessions in minimal time.

A Complete Warm Up
See a full-scale dynamic warm up in action that can be used with all your high school training groups. In this video, you’ll get the complete A to Z warm up used in world-class training facilities to help prepare your athletes for their practices or training sessions in minimal time.

Foundational Lower Body Exercises
Get coaching cues and tips as you cover the foundational lower body exercises, including:
- The Front Squat
- The Back Squat
- The RDL & Hinging
- The Deadlift

The Olympic Lifts
Understand the proper coaching progressions for the Olympic lifts you should be using to create powerful athletes. You’ll learn:
- The 4-step progression for coaching the hang clean
- Coaching the power clean from the floor
- The 4-step progression for coaching the snatch
- Coaching progressions for the push press

The Combination Lifts
Learn how to coach and when to use the following complexes in your athletes training:
- Clean Complex
- Snatch Complex

The High School Strength & Conditioning Workout Templates
Get six done-for-you training templates to use in your programs and get a jump start on implementing the info and skills you learn in this certification.
Get programs for:
- Baseball
- Football
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Basketball

Are You Ready to Be a High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist?
If you’re ready to become part of a movement to impact the lives of young athletes all over the world and want to take your sports performance business or career to the next level, this is the logical next step!
The IYCA is the only certifying organization that specializes in youth fitness and performance training. This isn’t something we dabble in; it’s our expertise!
As a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist, you’ll:
- Discover proper programming systems for any age, gender, or sport and the exact methods for deciding when to implement each to give your athletes optimal performance.
- Have confidence that your programming is based on real-world evidence, backed by research, and specifically designed to help high school athletes maximize their results when they are in your program.
- Be able to position yourself as a specialist in your field, which will help you recruit and keep more athletes in your programs—not to mention allow you to get top dollar for your training as as specialist.
- Have access to a complete system to help develop athletes over the entire course of their careers from freshmen to seniors and prepare them to succeed at the next level.
- Be in a very select circle of professionals who are dedicated to preparing their athletes to perform their absolute best with proper training and motivation.
And much more!
Bottom line: Being an IYCA High School Strength & Conditioning Coaching gives you the knowledge, skills, and tools to position yourself as the best high school performance coach in your area and gives you an opportunity to distinguish yourself from all of the other wannabe performance coaches.
Become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist!
Save $100 Today
Just $199.95
Making Good Coaches Great!
If you’re reading this, you are probably already a good coach, and you might even be great at coaching your high school athletes. But the world may not know it yet.
The GREAT coaches in our industry never stop learning. They are always looking for better ways to organize their programs, prepare their athletes for competition, and optimize their performance.
That’s exactly what you’re going to get in the IYCA High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification!
But instead of digging through endless piles of research papers, searching for the best training programs on the internet, or attending countless seminars, you can have access to everything you need to become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist!
You may have also seen certifications focused on performance enhancement or athletic development from other organizations. They range from $399.99 to $799.99! And many of them require you to pay crazy membership fees to remain active with your certifications.
There’s also opportunities to do mentorships or internships with some of the top facilities in the country. Those are great options and one of the best ways to learn, but they cost thousands of dollars plus travel time, costs, and being away from your business.
In the IYCA High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification, you can get started for just $199.99 and complete your course at home in a few weeks. The info you’re getting is results-tested by industry experts and backed by research.
Become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist!
Save $100 Today
Just $199.95
The IYCA Guarantee
At the International Youth Conditioning Association, we stand behind all our products, and they are backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
If for any reason you aren’t completely satisfied with your investment, simply email us to let us know, and we’ll happily refund your entire purchase.
It’s that simple! We know this certification will be life changing for you and will help you transform the lives of thousands of athletes over the course of your career.
Be the First in Your Area to Become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist
If you really want to differentiate yourself from the rest of the performance coaches so that you can accelerate your career, recruit more athletes to your programs, and have the skills to prepare them to perform at optimal levels just like Mike Robertson, Eric Cressey, Wil Fleming, and the thousands of other Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialists around the world, it’s time to take action!
You only have 72 hours to save $100 and become the next Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialists to join an elite group of performance coaches.
To start the process of obtaining your High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist Certification, let us know if you would like us to ship you your materials or if you would like to get started right away and have instant access through our digital certification.
Once you’ve selected how you’d like to prepare for the certification, simply complete the order form and the process will begin. After you’ve received your materials and you’ve adequately prepared (usually it takes a just 2-3 weeks to get ready for the exam), you will pass your exam and then be a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist!
Become a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist!
Save $100 Today
Just $199.95
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does the certification process work?
A: First, you must select to prepare for the course with either physical or digital materials and then complete your registration.
Upon registration, you will have access to your personal IYCA account to view all the information you need including how to complete your background check. Physical course materials will arrive in 10-14 days. Digital materials are available immediately.
After going through all of the materials and preparing to take the exam, you will register for the exam. This process usually takes between 2-3 weeks. If this is your first IYCA Certification, it may take you a little longer, and if you are a current IYCA Credential holder, you will likely be able to prepare much quicker.
You will have 365 days after purchasing your certification to register for and complete the 75-question exam. There are no additional costs to take the exam. You have one attempt to pass and 2 hours to complete the exam.
If you do not pass on your first attempt, you may purchase a retest for $50.
Q: How long does it take to prepare for the exam?
A: More than 87% of our certifications are completed within 90 days, and most performance coaches only take 2-3 weeks to prepare for the exam.
Q: Will any certification materials be mailed to me?
A: If you selected the Physical Certification option, you will be mailed your course study materials, and they should arrive within 10-14 days of your order.
If you selected the Digital Certification option, all your materials will be accessible instantly in your personal IYCA Account.
Q: I live outside the US. Can I still get certified?
A: Absolutely! We have Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialists from all over the world. Our online certification platform and education center allows for easy access to your certification materials and avoids high shipping costs.
Our course materials are all in English, which is the only consideration you need to make if you are wanting to be certified outside of the US.
Q: Are there any prerequisite certifications such as the IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist that I need to have before taking this?
A: No, there are no prerequisites to becoming a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist.
Q: How does the background check work?
A: Our highest priority outside of educating and helping performance coaches is the safety of the young athletes. Therefore, in order to maintain an environment with the highest level of security, we must maintain certain standards for our applicants and members. For this reason, we require that a criminal background check be performed by our third-party screening organization.
If you already hold an IYCA Certification and have undergone the background screening process from us, you do not need a new one for subsequent certifications.
After you purchase your exam, you will be sent an email with links to provide consent to perform the Background Screen. There are fees associated with the screening, depending on your country. If you are in the United States, there are no additional fees (the IYCA will cover them). Please be aware that if you live outside the US, additional screening fees apply. You can find those fees here.
Q: When will I receive my Certification?
A: Once you have completed and passed your exam, we will register you in our Global Database as a Certified High School Strength & Conditioning Specialist. It can take up to two weeks for your certification to be mailed to you.
Upon passing your exam, you will also have access to use our HSSC emblem to use on your website and marketing material. Access will be provided to you digitally for ease of use.