Discover the Scientifically Proven Method for Delivering Extraordinary, Lifelong Performance Enhancement to Your Young Athletes...
Finally, Youth Performance Coaches Have Access to a Long Term Athletic Development System to Help Their Young Athletes Perform at the Highest Levels, Avoid Injury, and Eliminate Burn Out!
Dear Fellow Performance Coach,
We share a passion for helping young athletes reach their fullest potential! You and I both know that a Long Term Athletic Development training model produces the best, longest-lasting results.
Unfortunately, outside of the International Youth Conditioning Association and a few select resources, there isn’t much information out there on Long Term Athletic Development.
You see coaches and trainers using watered-down training programs designed for collegiate or professional level athletes.
That’s unfortunate!
Athletes and their parents are overwhelmed with messages from well-meaning but misinformed sources saying their athletes will get left behind if they aren’t specializing early.
That fear combined with coaching from unqualified trainers has led to a rise in injuries and burnout among our young athletes.
It’s Time to End Early Sport Specialization!
And it starts with you…
You need to know that I and our world-class coaches at the IYCA have all faced these same battles.
To help these young athletes, you first have to be able to communicate to the parents and coaches why your method of training is the RIGHT METHOD OF TRAINING!
Now, you can have the power of the International Youth Conditioning Association in your corner. A huge reason that we’ve created the Long Term Athlete Development: The Lifelong Training Roadmap is to give you the tools, knowledge, and skills to help you stand out from the crowd.
This is the first Long Term Athletic Develop product of its kind. We’ll give you a complete roadmap for training athletes throughout their entire career from the beginning foundations to helping them achieve peak performance.
What it really takes to create GREAT athletes...
As coaches, if we hope to create great athletes who have a chance at being successful for the long haul, then your programs must be based of Long Term Athletic Development.
Just like a baby must learn to roll over before crawling, crawl before standing, stand before walking, and walk before running, your athletes need to build a foundation for elite level athletic performance before they can reach their maximum potential.
When athletes specialize early and skip critical steps in building this foundation, they are at extreme risk for injury and burnout.
The trouble is building that foundation early isn’t always sexy. And often coaches may not understand the exact steps to building the foundation.
However, that’s not your fault! When it comes down to it, you have to produce results, and you’ve been told that specialization is the way to do it. Or worse, coaches have forced you to do it their way or you risk losing the chance to work with the team or their athletes.
But the trends are shifting, and it’s time to get back on the LTAD path!
If you’re not sold on it yet, let’s look at a few examples of this playing out in the real world.
Urban Meyer, famous football coach at The Ohio State University, recruits mostly multi-sport athletes. In fact, some reports show that a whopping 89% of his football recruits are multi-sport athletes.

image from @ohiovarsity
And here’s a quote from Pete Carroll, former USC Head Football Coach and now Head Coach of the Seattle Seahawks:
“The first question I’ll ask about a kid are, ‘What other sports does he play? What does he do? What are his positions? Is he a big hitter in baseball? Is he a pitcher? Does he play hoops?’ All of those things are important to me. I hate that kids don’t play three sports in high school. I think that they should play year-round and get every bit of it that they can through that experience. I really, really don’t favor kids having to specialize in one spot... I want guys that are so special athletically, and so competitive, that they can compete in more than one sport.”
Still not sure about it?
Here are a few staggering statistics:
- 50% of overuse injuries in young athletes are from children who specialize in a single sport.
- An Ohio State University study found that children who specialized early in a single sport led to higher rates of adult physical inactivity, mostly due to the fact that they are most likely to quit and suffer a lifetime of consequences.
- In a Loyola University study of 1200 youth athletes, researchers found that early specialization was one of the strongest predictors of injury. The athletes who specialized were 70-93% more likely to be injured than multi-sport athletes.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
But it’s not just about specializing in one sport; it’s about the specialized training that goes along with it. Your job as a performance coach is to create a better athlete, which means a well-rounded athlete.
The overly specialized programs that young athletes are placed in do them much more harm than good!
Your Long Term Athlete Development System
If you’ve been looking for a step-by-step plan on developing athletes from the ground up and being able to educate and communicate this model as a necessity to parents and coaches, then this is the perfect course for you!
Not only will you get the complete A to Z plan for creating a training program based on Long Term Athlete Development, but you’ll also be empowered with the knowledge and tools to educate and convince parents and coaches that this is the right system for their athletes.

Here’s what you’ll get in Long Term Athlete Development: The Lifelong Training Roadmap…
This manual lays the foundation for everything you need to know to implement an LTAD system in your programs. It comes complete with case studies from all over the world, research of peer-reviewed material, and the proof you’ll need to not only implement this model but to convince parents and coaches this is the RIGHT WAY to train young athletes.
You’ll learn how to map out the path to success for athletes from the age of 2 and beyond. But, most importantly, you’ll get the practical information so you can apply it immediately.
There’s even done-for-you programming templates for each age group!
Here’s an overview:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Long-Term Athletic Development—It’s Time for a Change
- Chapter 2: Global Models of Athletic Development.
- Chapter 3: Physical Literacy & Motor Development.
- Chapter 4: Roadmap to the Art of Coaching Ages 2-18+
- Chapter 5: Practical Aspects of Coaching the Developing Athlete
- Chapter 6: Long-Term Programming for the Developing Athlete
- Chapter 7: Long-Term Program Design & Samples

Sometimes you simply learn better through video, so we’ve included this complete video series from Wil Fleming & Dave Gleason that covers all the aspects of programming that you need to know before working with young athletes.
Guided Discovery Programming Considerations
Module 1: Delivery
Module 2: Movement Menu [Discovery]
Module 3: Movement Menu [Object Manipulation]
Module 4: Movement Menu [Coordination]
Module 5: Movement Menu [Cooperation & Gameplay]
Module 6: Wrap Up
Learning Exploration Programming Considerations
Module 1: Delivery
Module 2: Active Range of Motion/Muscle Activation
Module 3: General Prep
Module 4: Coordination
Module 5: Systemic Strength
Module 6: Gameplay
Train with Application Considerations
Module 1: Programs for HS Athletes & Considerations
Module 2: Purpose of Your Programs (A Multi-Level Approach)
LTAD Exercise Library
Get 120+ coaching videos covering every exercise you will need to run a complete Long Term Athlete Development Program.
By breaking our videos down into simple movement menus, you’ll be able to take these movements and plug them into the correct template and start using them right away.
Designing LTAD programs has never been easier!
Upon completion of the course and after passing our 64-question exam, you will receive 6 IYCA CEUs and a certificate of completion to identify yourself as a Long Term Athletic Development Performance Coach!
Plus, These Amazing Bonuses…
[Video] Warming Up Your 14+ Athletes (A $99 Value)
Wil Fleming, the IYCA Director of Sports Performance, discusses how to use alternating linear periodization with your athletes and elaborates on specific warm-ups for your high school athletes.
You’re going to discover components of the movement menu and get practical examples to make your athletes’ movement prep even better!
A few of the topics covered include:
- Breathing Warm-Ups for Your Athletes
- A Mini-Band Activation Series
- Dynamic Mobility Drills
- Ladder Drills for Warm Ups
And more!
Swipe and Deploy Email Series (A $149 Value)
Get a complete list of done-for-you emails and educational materials that will help you communicate the importance of what you are doing to coaches and parents.
This critical educational material ensures buy-in from the decision makers so they support what you are doing and put their young athletes’ best interests first.
These will drastically reduce the amount of arguing and convincing that you’ll have to do when working with the parents and coaches of your young athletes.
Here are the topics we cover:
- Intro to Your Business
- Intro to Assessing Athletes
- Intro to a Promo Program
- Speed & Strength Training
- Warm Ups
- Nutrition
- Relationship Building with Parents
These templates will save you hours of time and lots of headaches!
Your LTAD Coaches…
Even the best coaches need great coaches to mentor them and keep them at the top of their game. That’s why we’ve decided to recruit and work with the top performance coaches and thought leaders when it comes to youth performance training in the world!
Dr. Toby Brooks
Dr. Toby Brooks has served as the Clinical Coordinator and as an Associate Professor in the Master of Athletic Training Program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock, Texas, since 2009. Additionally, he is the former Director of Research and Education for the International Youth Conditioning Association, a position he held for more than 10 years (2005-2015).
The Golconda, Illinois, native completed his undergraduate studies in Athletic Training and was named one of the Top 25 Graduating Seniors at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) in 1998. He then accepted a graduate assistant athletic trainer position at the University of Arizona. At the U of A, he completed both his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Physical Education while working with the Wildcat women's gymnastics, football, and baseball programs.
Brooks has worked as a certified athletic trainer and/or strength coach with numerous professional, collegiate, and high school athletics programs, including the Oakland Raiders, USA Baseball, the University of Texas El Paso, Liberty University, the Florida Firecats, Shawnee Community College, the Southern Illinois Miners, and seven high schools across three states. He has also published multiple articles and studies and is a regular presenter at national and international conferences.
Brooks currently serves on the Youth Special Interest Group (SIG) for the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is an active member of the Changing the Game Project. He is also co-founder and creative director for NiTROhype Creative, a graphic design firm specializing in athletic-, fitness-, and motorsports-based businesses. He and his wife Christi reside in Lubbock with their daughter Brynnan (12) and son Taye (9).
Dave Gleason
Dave Gleason is the owner of one of the top youth training facilities in the world, Athletic Revolution Pembroke, and has worked with thousands of athletes ranging from shy six-year-olds to all-stars at the professionals level. He’s also an acclaimed international presenter on youth fitness and is widely regarded as the industry’s top expert for coaching kids ages 6-13.
Dave has played a pivotal role in the development of the assessment and programming systems for Athletic Revolution International as well as new franchisee training and support. Athletic Revolution and its programming is now recognized in over 19 countries around the globe.
Dave is the co-creator of the popular IYCA Youth Speed Development and Complete Athletic Development (CAD) products. Dave’s book contributions include the IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist Level 1 text Essentials of Youth Conditioning and Fitness (Second Edition), IYCA Concepts of Youth Athletic Assessment, and How Much Does a Zebra Weigh? by Kyle Brown.
Dave is an expert contributor and advisor to international brands and consultant to trainers, coaches, physical educators, youth sports organizations, and public school systems K-12.
Wil Fleming
Wil Fleming is a sports performance coach and an expert in creating a more explosive athlete. His expertise comes from years of training and coaching athletes in multiple sports. His athletes are routinely the most explosive, fastest, and strongest on the field. He is also one of the strongest medium-sized guys you will ever run into, boasting some pretty decent numbers on the platform and in the weight room.
Wil is the co-owner of Force Fitness and Performance and Athletic Revolution Bloomington in Bloomington, IN. Force Fitness just turned 6 years old and is already one of the most successful training facilities in the Midwest with nearly 300 clients, 60 athletes earning Division I scholarships and nearly 125 athletes moving on to compete at the NCAA level in Division I, II, III.
In addition to being a business owner, Wil was one of the authors of the IYCA’s Essentials of High School Strength and Conditioning, along with other noted performance experts Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, and Dr. Toby Brooks.
Wil’s teaching methods for the Olympic lifts have been featured in the DVD Complete Olympic Lifting and the recently released book Complete Olympic Lifting Handbook. In addition, he is a regular contributor to the IYCA blog, STACK (a magazine for high school athletes), and T-Nation where Wil writes about the being an explosive athlete/dude.
Wil is a sought-after speaker on the topics of power development, speed, and strength training for athletes. He has spoken at the IYCA International Summit (2010-14), the Elite Fitness and Performance Summit (2015), the Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar (2011,2014), Building Better Athletes Seminar (2012), the College of the Canyons Strength and Conditioning Clinic (2012), and in Europe (2013, 2015) .
Prior to being a business owner, he was an Olympic Trials participant, an all-American athlete, and the school record holder at Indiana University as a hammer thrower. Wil was a resident athlete at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for Olympic weightlifting after winning a Jr. National Championship in the same sport.
What’s Your Investment?
It would take years of research and practical experience to put together all the info and resources that are included in Long Term Athlete Development. In fact, it took our faculty and me over 18 months to put this course together for you!
This course is the equivalent of getting a master’s-level education in Long Term Athletic Development without having to pay ridiculous tuition, enroll in university level classes, or spend years trying to complete your degree.
It would cost you $2,000-3,000 to spend a weekend with just one of our faculty members in a private mentorship or hire them to train your staff on Long Term Athletic Development.
Now for just $199 $99, you can instantly access your entire course curriculum from the comfort of your own home or office.
The IYCA has a mission to impact 1,000,000 young athletes, and the only way to do that is to reach them through great coaches like you, which is why we’ve decided to make this course incredibly affordable!
Every performance coach working with young athletes should have this course!

Try it for 365 Days RISK FREE!
I’m so confident that you’ll love Long Term Athlete Development: The Lifelong Training Roadmap that you can try it out for a FULL YEAR risk free!
If for any reason you aren’t completely satisfied with your purchase, simply let me know and I’ll gladly refund your entire investment.
No questions asked!
But this offer won’t last long. In fact, you can only save $100 if you make the decision to grab this course before the timer below hits ZERO. After that, the price goes up, and I’m not sure if we’ll ever offer it at this price again!
You can be one of the first performance coaches to get your hands on this powerful resource, or you can risk waiting and missing out entirely. You definitely don’t want your competition to have it first!
The industry is trending back towards Long Term Athletic Development, and you can be one of the first to have these insider secrets.
Act now before your advantage is lost!
You can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem in the youth sports performance industry.
Long Term Athletic Development is the only way to train young athletes. It gives them the best chance for success, prevents injuries, and sets them up for a lifetime of physical activity.
Don’t be one of the last coaches to put this training system to use!
Long Term Athlete Development: The Lifelong Training Roadmap will give you all the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to be a superstar performance coach who trains superstar athletes…
...the right way.
Click the "Buy Now" button below to get started!
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P.S. Not only will The Long Term Athlete Development: The Lifelong Training Roadmap system give you everything you need to deliver great training to your young athletes and help them perform their best over the course of their entire lives, but it will also empower you with knowledge and resources to educate and impact their parents and coaches.
Now you can help fight the good fight without risking your business or career! You can be the go-to performance coach in your area—the coach who produces dozens, if not hundreds, of great athletes who have long, thriving athletic careers.
If you want that for yourself, it’s time to get off the fence and get this program…
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