Newsletter FAQ’s How do I unsubscribe from the Fitness Consulting Group newsletters?
We think you’ll be amazed by all the helpful insights you’ll learn from the Fitness Consulting Group (IYCA, VPS, RBT, FBI) newsletters. But you can easily stop receiving them at any time.
Simply email and you can request removal. Once you do, you will no longer receive our Fitness Consulting Group in your inbox.
(You can also unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any newsletter you’ve already received.)
How often will I receive newsletters?
You’ll receive a daily email from Fitness Consulting Group, so you can count on getting new tips and training from us daily. Be sure to add Fitness Consulting Group to your “safe senders” list. That way, you’ll be sure to receive their messages in your inbox instead of them accidentally winding up in your spam folder.
What will I learn from the newsletters that is not already on the site?
Plenty! The info on the site only give you a sneak peak of what you’ll learn about fitness, training, business, and nutrition through their newsletters.
How will my personal information be used?
Just like you, the Fitness Consulting Group Team are not a fan of spam. We only use the information you give us to send you your newsletters, and they’ll only come from us. We will not sell or distribute your information to any third party, so there’s no need to worry you’ll be getting anything other than their newsletters. And of course, you can unsubscribe from those at any time by contacting us at
Who will I be receiving the newsletters from?
Fitness Consulting Group sends out all their newsletters themselves, so look out for Julie Hatfield, Ryan Ketchum, or Dave Schmitz in your inbox.
Are the newsletters really free? Why?
Absolutely. That’s because the Fitness Consulting Group members think that to believe it, you have to read it. They know that once you read their advice and discover how valuable it is, you’ll want to learn even more through their programs. But rest assured you are never obligated to buy anything at all. You can continue to only receive the newsletters – no catch, no strings, no bills.
How do I contact you?
Please email