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Fellow coaches:

You have one main obligation to the young athletes that you coach:

To help them reach their potential.

Everything you do in each training session, in every personal interaction and in every program you design revolves around this one goal.

If your athletes aren’t consistently reaching their potential then you’ve not done the best you can do as a coach.

Easier said than done, right?

After all, if you could get all your athletes to reach their potential, youd have cracked the code that all coaches aspire to crack.

There are so many variables that you have to consider:

  • How old is the athlete?
  • What sports do they play?
  • Where are they developmentally?
  • What do they need to improve?

And that’s just a starting point that doesn’t even touch on the time they have available, how motivated they are to train, what resources do you actually have available and a dozen other considerations that you’ve got to think about when you’re developing their program.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just be handed a cookie cutter plan that magically ‘fit’ for every athlete you coached, regardless of age, gender or sport?

Unfortunately – that approach doesn’t work.

Young athletes and ‘one size fits all’ programs are a recipe for disaster.  While they may look good on paper they’ll often do more harm than good.

And you can’t just copy some ‘guru’s’ program because odds are that the elite athletes they train don’t look much like the local athletes you train.  They’ve got world-class athletes and perfect circumstances and you’ve got overscheduled kids, limited resources and a multitude of other challenges to consider.

So, If That’s The Problem, What’s The Solution?

What you need is a simple, effective set of guiding principles and proven templates to use in guiding the direction of your training programs for maximum effectiveness while still enjoying the flexibility to optimize the actual program to fit each individual athlete.

Not only will this make you’re work much, much easier – but it will also maximize the impact each program you design has for the athletes you coach.

No More Guesswork…This is What You Need To Do

We’ve enlisted IYCA Expert and World Class Coach Wil Fleming to organize the IYCA’s programming philosophy, principles and practical methodology into an easy to use system that will allow you to quickly and easily design customized, highly effective training programs for each of your athletes that will yield massive results.

The IYCA program design principles are simple and effective.

“As to the methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

No more being overwhelmed by minutia.

No more overcomplicating.

No more reinventing the wheel.

Simply employ these proven templates, adhere to the IYCA Program Design Principles and voilà, you’re ready to churn out program after program that you can be proud of and your athletes can trying benefit from.


"Over the past few years, I have had the GREAT pleasure of becoming great friends with Wil Fleming. Throughout this time I have had the opportunity to hang out, talk shop, train and present with, and even create a few DVD’s with Wil. Wil is one of the great COACHES in this field. His passion in his quest to become the best in the business is unmatched and his knowledge and experience puts him at the top of the mountain in our industry. There are a lot of fakes out there trying to sell themselves as coaches that can design training programs….Wil is NOT one of these guys. Wil is a guy who goes to work everyday and gets his hands dirty on hundreds of athletes and clients hour after hour after hour. Experience is the KEY in this field, Wil combines great experience with his constant search for more knowledge…the final product is a coach that you want your high school athletes training under!"

Robert dos Remedios, MA, CSCS, MSCC
Director of Speed, Strength & Conditioning
College of the Canyons
2006 NSCA Collegiate Strength Coach of the year
2012 CSCCa Master Strength and Conditioning Coach.


"Wil’s experience and enthusiasm working with high school athletes shows in (Program Design Manual). He has a knack for making the complex simple. He has a tremendous amount of experience and expertise working with high school athletes, but more important than that he has a sincere passion for providing sound principle based programs to athletes to help them accomplish their goals. He is the kinda of guy you want in your corner."

Ron McKeefery, M.A., CSCS, SCCC


In my opinion Wil Fleming is one of the best coaches in the world. It takes a unique talent to combine knowledge, in the trenches experience and passion to create an experience that is an absolute game changer for any athlete. Intellect, heart and insight that few possess put Wil in a class of his own.

Dave Gleason
Owner – Athletic Revolution
2010 IYCA Coach of the year
IYCA Director of Youth Performance


At Last! The IYCA Program Design System

Module #1 – The Need

Why is there a need for better programming?

Traditional programming based on principles of bodybuilding or even sport specificity will not cut it for today’s athlete. Learn why these systems do not work and what system you should use to get the best for your athletes. 

  • The need for sound programming for high school athletes is greater than ever before.
  • With the plethora of misinformation available online, athletes are at risk without sound coaching
  • Dated programming or cut and paste workouts can be replaced with great training programs backed by both science and in the trenches application.
Module #2 – The Principles

Why a method based approach is not getting your athletes the results they deserve. There are many methods to training athletes: Kettlebells, Olympic Lifting, Power Lifting, but what are the most useful for getting your athletes results? Learn to adopt a principle based approach that will allow you to easily choose the best methods for athletic success. 

Once the foundation is laid, you’ll discover the 9 Principles of programming that the IYCA uses to build champion high school athletes and the action steps to make them a part of your program. 

You need principles to guide your programming. Without defined principles your programs will be lost, adopt our 9 principles that have helped develop state champion teams and athletes, Division I scholarship winners, and high school All-Americans. 

  • Discover the 9 principles of programming that will make your programs the most effective in your market.
  • Learn action steps for you to implement all 9 principles IMMEDIATELY.
Module #3 – The Mechanics

In this module you’ll discover the mechanics of programming and how to utilize our proven approach to employing periodization and what’s best for your athletes, proven Using periodization to get great results for your athletes. We’ll take an in-depth look at how to select the correct loads for strength training with your athletes. And ultimately we’ll eliminate sets and reps that don’t get your athletes better by using scientific and intuitive loading methods. 

  • How to use your assessment to design the best program for your athletes.
  • Periodization explained, simply and to the point.
  • The pros and cons of linear and undulating periodization.
  • How to select the right exercises, the right loads, and the right sets and reps to get exactly the response you and your athlete want.
Module #4 – The System

Now the framework is in place and we can dive into the IYCA Program Design System.

You’ll be provided with the templates that we use for athlete strength training, so that you can apply the principles of programming to design the best training for your athletes. 

You’ll also discover how to progress athletes through movement patterns with over 100 different exercises including photo illustrations across all movement categories (plyos, olympic lifts, push, pull, squat and hinge) and with full descriptions. 

But not only will you be provided with the templates you need, but you’ll also receive dozens of proven programs for athletes from various sports so you can see how everything works.

No stone is left unturned. 

The IYCA Program Design System is the world’s best solution for quickly and easily designing principled, highly effective training programs for your young athletes.

  • Over 100 different exercises photographed.
  • The best exercises in every movement category.
  • Eliminate the need to “look up” the best new movements, they are all here for you.
  • No more reinventing the wheel.

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The Simple Truth About The IYCA Program Design System

The IYCA Program Design System isn’t a magic bullet.  You still have to commit to understanding the principles of effective programming.  You still have to dedicate your self to being a great coach.

The IYCA Program Design will simply allow all your hard work to yield much better results.

So if you’re ready to apply the IYCA Program Design System, here IS what you can expect to learn and be ready to apply:

  • How to utilize periodization for sustained strength and speed gains.
  • The most effective (and only) strength training exercises required.
  • Each component the ideal training session and how to sequence them for optimal results.
  • The predominant factors in building stronger, more explosive athletes and THE blueprint for teaching them.
  • The secrets to maximizing the ability of ALL your athletes.
  • A blueprint for becoming a Better Coach & getting Better Results.
  • Proven templates for creating programs for ordinary to elite high school athletes.
  • A library of EVERY exercise you need for effective program design.
  • The step-by-step system that will allow you to finally maximize the performance of each and every athlete you coach.
  • And much, much more.

How Much is Your Athletes’ Success Worth To You?

Program design is ‘The Golden Ticket’ for you as a coach.

It’s what experienced coaches charge the most for. Because most people don’t do it correctly…

…or don’t do it at all.

Which is why people are willing to pay high prices for someone to create their programs for them.

And it’s the most important part of coaching for anyone who wants to separate their athletes from the rest of the pack.

In our role as coaches, the difference between developing successful athletes and ordinary athletes all comes down to small decisions with how we design and coach our programs.

What would happen if you could take the guesswork out of those decisions and maximize the results for every athlete you coach?

What would that be worth to you?

If this were a two-day workshop to teach you this much information AND give you the proven, plug and play templates, you should expect to pay at least $499.95.

It’s that valuable – no question.

It’s that simple. It’s that important.

But because we’re making this information accessible to you in a home study format, we can reduce the price of the program from $499.95 to only $149.95 $99.95.

You’ll get immediate online access to all 4 Program Design Modules,  a library of over 100 exercises ready to be plugged into your programs, the templates you need to start applying the Program Design System and dozens of proven example program for you to model and learn from for a mere $99.95!

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"Your Success is 100% Guaranteed…Or Your Money Back"

We insist you order the IYCA’s Program Design System entirely at our risk. That’s why this program comes with a rock solid, 100%, 365 Day, Money Back Guarantee.

If you don’t think The IYCA’s Program Design is the best resource you’ve ever seen on writing effective training programs for your athletes or question if you received a fair return on your original investment, simply let us know and we’ll refund you 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.

There is absolutely NO RISK on your part.

Why are we so willing to take on all the risk?

Of course we want you to be confident you’re not wasting your money.

But we know this information is going to completely change your athletes and your training program.

No other resource is created specifically for young athletes. And that’s why everything you find is so technical and complicated.

We cut out all the excess and show you exactly what you need to do to help your athletes reach their potential…

…Or we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

Claim Your Copy Now!

YES!  I want to discover the exact program design strategies, techniques and system that will help my athletes reach their potential.


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Make this the year ALL of your athletes reach their potential!

Dedicated to Your Success,


Pat Rigsby

P.S. – Order the IYCA’s Program Design System and get immediate access to all 4 Training Modules, the full exercise library, program design templates and proven training programs for only $99.95.

P.P.S. – You can reenergize your training and write effective programs whether you’re a first year coach or a seasoned veteran. Just follow the simple, flexible and proven program design concepts presented in The IYCA Program Design System. If it’s too much or doesn’t work for you, We’ll refund 100% of your purchase price. No questions asked. We’ll even give you a full 365 days to decide.

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